By Keith Kramlich, National Service & Warranty Manager at Takeuchi

Telematics: for many of us, on the surface, this technology service seems overly complicated to use. Maybe you aren’t technically savvy. Maybe you simply don’t have the time to learn a new system.
But, in reality, regardless of whether you’re a tech expert or novice, telematic solutions are simple to use. Learning the system is well worth it once you have a firm grasp of the benefits it delivers.
Here is a look at why telematic solutions are the best solution to keeping you productive on the jobsite.
TFM: A Better Solution

There is a misconception that telematics like Takeuchi’s “Takeuchi Fleet Management” (TFM) is simply a GPS service, which is really only necessary for those with larger fleets. While, yes, it does provide GPS service, it is much more than that.
By logging into the TFM portal, the user has access to a map, assets, maintenance, alerts and analytics, all of which can be viewed through desktop, laptop, phone or tablet devices.
The Map
TFM remotely connects users to their Takeuchi machine(s). Users can geofence their machines, which means creating a geographical perimeter around their fleet. The system will notify the user if or when any of the machines leave the set perimeter. Each unit will be listed with the model name and serial number.
The map shows where all of the machines are and allows the user to zoom and pan to find specific machines. The user can also text search and filter by machine health and machine maintenance status.
The GPS tracking is updated at least once every hour. Machines are big investments, so having the ability to know where your assets are 24/7 can give you peace of mind.
In the assets tab, the user can see the latest value for each data point the machine provides, including total hours the machine has logged, battery, engine coolant temperature, engine speed, engine status, fuel level and ignition status.
Maintenance alerts not only ensure service is performed in a timely manner, but also act as a service record. The user can set up a maintenance planner to alert them when any aspect of the machine is due for service. For example, at 1,000 working hours, the user should replace the fluids in the machine, including hydraulic oil, engine coolant and chain case oil. The alerts help keep such maintenance on schedule.
Plans can be tailored to a meter or calendar basis for the machine, and it automatically updates with each use. Reminders can be set prior to reaching a certain hour or date on the calendar.
So, for replacing fluids of the machine at 1,000 hours, the user can choose to set up a reminder for 990 hours to allow them time to plan to change out in the next day or two.
Additionally, when maintenance is performed, TFM automatically keeps a digital history record after a task is checked off.
The user can also set up diagnostic alerts to warn of any issues with the machine and set up maintenance alerts as well. By setting up alerts, TFM warns the owner of a mechanical or electrical issue before catastrophic damage occurs.
The user can download reports on specific machines or the entire fleet at any given time. Analytics can include anything from machine health, runtime hours, maintenance performed and more.
Dealers can benefit from TFM just the same. However, they can also access DTC history and historical machine parameters to help diagnose a malfunction with the equipment.
Insights Enhance Performance Life
TFM continuously improves and follows the same trend as the other technology on a machine. As more computers and controllers are utilized on machines, the more information can be pulled from them. More data equals more machine insight.
With TFM, a majority of the work is done upfront between setting up alerts and geofencing your units. After that, TFM goes on autopilot and works for you. It’s the best way to ensure your equipment is safe and remains healthy well into the future.
Take the guesswork out of the equation and ensure uptime well into the future with TFM. It’s a winning combination.
For more information on how to use TFM, consult the instruction manual or contact your local dealer.